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"Detoxify Me" Roller with Clary Sage and Bloodstone crystals

"Detoxify Me" Roller with Clary Sage and Bloodstone crystals


Clary Sage lifts the Spirit and helps us to detach from emotionally difficult or painful situations; with emotional distance we gain a better perspective.  It promotes emotional intelligence and helps to restore inner peace and tranquility.  Using Clary Sage is also beneficial for opening and removing blockages from the Third Eye Chakra, improving our perception of things, enhancing our intuition and helping us to reach higher states of consciousness.  Bloodstone is a powerful, protective, grounding crystal stone that also heightens intuition and helps to increase creativity.  It is known to protect the aura by removing negativity and revitalizing energies.  Simply roll the oil blend on the inside of your wrists and the Universe will do the rest to help protect your energy! (When first applied, the Earthy smell of is prominent; after it dries, it reveals the sweetness that Clary Sage has to offer – All of our oils are organic/pure and so a little bit goes a very long way.)

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