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Hello all, my name is Gloria and I am the creator of Protect Your Energy LLC., incorporated in the State of Florida.
A few years ago, I began embarking on a spiritual journey and honestly,

that was the best decision I made for myself.

I started by aligning myself and my Chakras so that I may be open to the gifts

that the Universe has in store for all of us. I performed rituals such as burning incenses, smudging my home, burning candles, diffusing and/or burning oils, participating in guided meditations, taking spiritual baths/showers –

pretty much doing anything and everything that would help to develop my intuition

and welcome my angel guides to get closer to me.

I later dove into learning about crystals, stones, herbs, tarot readings

and developed an extremely close affinity to the Tibetan Buddhist teachings.

As I started to see the many positive changes in my life and how easily I
was manifesting blessings, I was consumed with the idea of helping others

but I was unsure of how.
They say that when you start to take spirituality seriously,

you begin to see signs in everything you do;

I agree with this whole-heartedly. For me, it all began gradually.

I knew in my heart that this was my life’s calling but when unsolicited

people started reaching out to me, asking for guidance and saying

that it was so easy to confide their worries in me, it was confirmation that

my heart and mind were correct. I started preparing spiritual packages
with handwritten notes to the receivers, instructing them on how to use the items.

I honestly cannot tell you how many of these packages I prepared and shipped

to friends and acquaintances all over the United States;

there were many. I never accepted a penny for the items purchased and

all packages were tailor-made for the specific needs of others.

No matter what the circumstances of the people, there were always items

included for cleansing the aura and blocking negativity.

I also provided advice [either via text or on phone calls]

and always specified the importance of protecting our energy.

My only request was always the same…

“call me to let me know when it all turns around for you.”
In every instance, the feedback was positive and then it dawned on me…

why not start a company that would provide guidance and the information

I would have liked to see when purchasing various spiritual items?

Why not create my own items? Why limit these gifts to only the people that I know?

Why not try to reach more individuals?

My closest friends will tell you what I’ve always said

“I just want to help as many people as I can.”
In March 2021, Protect Your Energy LLC. was born.

So far, it has been an amazing journey and I am extremely grateful

to those that trusted me with their lives, their issues and their concerns.

Those individuals were a very important part of my own spiritual journey and

continue to be, to this day. My most humbling experience has
been being called a “spiritual godmother”.  Oh what a beautiful journey this is!
Every item on this portal is hand-picked and hand-made by me personally.

I absolutely love the idea of sending a little piece of me in every package

sent and no matter how much my company grows that will never change.
Spirituality is very personal and those seeking assistance,

deserve the very best from me.

(That’s what my spirit guides tell me and I truly believe it.)
Take some time to explore this website and the items made with love.

Should you have a specific request or need some sort of consultation,

please feel free to contact me at
Thank you so much for taking out the time to read my story.
Sending you all, love and light!

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